Online Is Taking Over

Recent reports from Nielsen have found that 3.1 million New Zealanders spend the equivalent of two working days online each week. The report goes further to show that 73 percent use at least two devices on a weekly basis, with a massive 39 percent using three.

"Smartphones have become a dominant player in providing brands with a tool to deliver online content and experiences to highly targeted audiences at highly intentional times. This means more opportunity for advertisers to engage connected NZ consumers at precisely the right moment with the right message," said Tony Boyte, research director, Nielsen NZ.


Social media use has grown to almost nine in ten, with three quarters of the surveyed group using Facebook on a monthly basis.

The biggest change related to television, which now sees more than half (53 percent) of New Zealanders watching television content online, with 76 percent watching television and using a separate online enabled device at the same time.

"New Zealanders are mostly motivated to watch internet TV because of the convenience factor - they can watch programmes at a time that suits them the most, and also pause content and come back to it when they want to," said Boyte.

The same online trends have been seen in the retail sector, with Roy Morgan Research releasing its findings last year which showcased how 49.3 percent of New Zealanders had baught at least one product online within the year and 7.9 percent baught a piece of women's clothing in the last month.

However, John La Rosa, general manager client services, ANZ Roy Morgan Research insisted retailers need not fear online trends, saying that two thirds of shoppers only baught from retailers they knew and trusted.

"It's important that traditional retailers stop viewing online as a threat, and instead as an opportunity to reach and appeal to customers in different ways. Today's consumers aren't thinking in terms of online or offline - to them, it's all just shopping. Retailers therefore need an 'omni-channel' view of their offerings, competition, pricing, service, and advertising," said Rosa.