We all know what a huge effect Kate, The Duchess of Cambridge, has on fashion sales – so much so it has its own title ‘The Kate Effect’ but a new Queen has just as bankable a closet, if not more.

Queen Letizia of Spain is a brunette with a fashion horse figure, killer blow-wave, a stunning fairytale wedding dress, no qualms about re-wearing garments, and the ability to dress up like royalty as well as dress down for mother duty – sounding familiar?

King Juan Carlos I of Spain recently announced he was stepping down from the thrown and his son Crown Prince Felipe de Bourbon and his wife Letizia Ortiz would step up. Letizia had already been compared to Kate Middleton by the Spanish and English press but with the June announcement, fashion profiles of Letizia spread across the web like wild fire.

Now Letizia and her husband have been crowned King and Queen there is an ever bigger splash of articles scrutinizing Letizia’s current and past fashion moments, usually comparing them to Kate’s. This new fashion Queen may sell even more clothes than Kate.


So why is everyone so excited by Letizia and her outfits? The main reason is her European charm. Letizia has a huge effect on Spanish buyers because they naturally feel a large affiliation to their new Queen, who they have followed through her commoner career to her making as a princess. However the rest of the world istaking on Letizia’s fashion too as they see it as an aspirational style that may be prim like royalty but also has a Spanish flair.

Letizia is a multi-faceted Queen as reflected in her fashion. She was already a well-known TV presenter and journalist in Spain before she met Philip. In her journalist career Letizia, never shied from hard-hitting articles and as a fashionista she isn’t shy either. Have we ever seen Kate wearing leather pants with red stilettos?

See what we mean by viewing the gallery below:

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