Ema Frost

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Ema Frost enjoys living in her own world, a world made up of characters inspired by both Maori and Japanese myths - two cultures she feels a strong affinity with. The most important part of Ema’s world? Sharing it with others. Ema sees no limit to where her art can be experienced. Her prints are on large wall art and ceramic characters in a Queenstown galley as well as on cushions, t-shirts and note-pads. It’s this spirit that has led to Ema combining her world with the New Zealand fashion by showcasing at NZ Fashion Week. A large installation of her favourite characters will be seen as many fall in line at NZ Fashion Week’s entrance and her cushions, ceramic art, jewellery and more will take a break with tired fashion week patrons at an upstairs lounge at the Fashion Week hub.  Ema has always had this world of Japanese and Maori inspired characters within her but after studying Graphic Design at Natcoll Design & Technology (now known as Yoobee School of Design), is what gave her the ability to fabricate this world. Her characters/designs can be printed on t-shirts on demand online and they will no doubt be in high demand after her show at NZ Fashion Week.

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