Managing Discriminatory Risks of AI

Mary Kay Inc. has partnered with the Equal Rights Trust (ERT) since 2021.

As part of this collaboration, Mary Kay Inc. has supported new research that focuses on understanding and addressing the discriminatory effects of artificial intelligence (AI) on gender equality. This has led to the developing of a novel "equality by design approach."

The partnership culminated in releasing a new set of legal standards called the Principles on Equality by Design in Algorithmic Decision-Making, endorsed by several international equality organisations.

"Mary Kay is working with us as we move into the next phase: a collaborative effort to develop practical guidance for businesses on adopting the equality by design approach," said Jim Fitzgerald, Director of Equal Rights Trust.

"In doing so, it is taking the next step in a journey that started with strong internal equality and non-discrimination policies, moved to collaboration with and support for us and other actors in this field, and is now focused on incubating and piloting best practices."

Mary Kay is helping to model how businesses can play an active role in developing improved approaches to eliminating discrimination and advancing equality.

"At Mary Kay, we recognise the profound impact that AI has on shaping the future of business and society," said Melinda Foster Sellers, Chief People Officer at Mary Kay Inc.

"Our collaboration with Equal Rights Trust underscores our dedication to ensuring that technological advancements, especially AI, champion gender equality."

The impact of the Principles on Equality by Design in Algorithmic Decision-Making has already been transformative for critical stakeholders in AI, helping create an inclusive digital economy where women entrepreneurs can excel without bias or barriers.