Celebrating Women In Business | Nicole Hadfield, Oosterom

Celebrating Women In Business | Nicole Hadfield, Oosterom

Nicole Hadfield designer at Oosterom said that growing up she always had an interest in craft and tactility. She was surrounded by a family of creatives, with her mother hand-making most of their clothing. This love stemmed into a passion, eventually leading her to win a local design competition, resulting in the opportunity to go backstage at New York Fashion Week and an internship with a local designer. This exposed Hadfield to the hidden works of the industry at a young and impressionable age. 

After graduating from Whitecliffe College in 2014, Hadfield ventured into designing menswear for a local label, where she successfully learned the ropes of running a small business. From there, she ventured into production management at Ingrid Starnes in 2017, working in the design room pattern making and managing local production.

Oosterom was launched in 2021 as a made-to-order clothing label, all produced from her home studio. It aims to work with luxury fabrics to create bespoke and well-tailored pieces. 

“I love working with luxury fabrics, including Japanese cotton, Italian silks and woollen suiting. It all comes back to the love of tactility and craftsmanship,” expressed Hadfield. 

Throughout her career, Hadfield has been fortunate to have various established mentors who have provided her with knowledge within the industry. 

“A handful of highlights include Juliette Hogan and her knowledge on finding a balance between business and creativity, Dan Ahwa and his encouragement to draw inspiration from heritage and nostalgia in design, Imogen O’Neill and her tips on thoughtful networking and finding your niche, and Ingrid Starnes, Belinda Watt, and Doris de Pont, who continue to act as supportive mentors.”

For those wanting to enter the fashion industry, Hadfield recommends gaining a solid knowledge of construction and fabrication. 

“Your career is a journey. It may not always be what you imagined. Continue to be inquisitive, observe, and learn from the more experienced people around you.”

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