iD Dunedin Emerging Designer: Zheyi Ruan

Zheyi Ruan took inspiration from space and, more specifically, the astronomical phenomenon when Venus travels between the Sun and the Earth.

Ruan’s collection, named Venus in Transit 2117, is a handful of pieces that are meant to reflect NASA mappings of each planet. 

Each piece Ruan brought is unique, referencing the Sun, Venus, Saturn, Jupiter, and Maths. Attempting to connect conceptual art for the critics and art for those less inclined to understand the theoretical concepts.

Using deadstock fabric primarily from his workplace, where unused fabrics go to die, Ruan tied to rework these pieces into new garments.

Heavily into technology and where it meets fashion, using 3D scans to make garments has been an encapsulating journey for Ruan.

In the following five to ten years, Ruan wants to see himself developing fabric.

“I want to create a line of breathable, movable fabrics and have more research into their benefits to express to people the different fabrics' offerings,” said Ruan.