Puma Reduced Greenhouse Emissions

Puma reduces greenhouse emissions

Sports pioneer PUMA has reduced greenhouse emissions by 24 percent in 2023 despite strong sales growth. 

The drop in emissions was made possible by its core suppliers doubling its use of renewable energy compared to the previous year. This increased the use of less carbon-intensive materials in its products.

PUMA also saw a drop in carbon due to the introduction of their low-carbon shipment tariffs by PUMA logistics partner Maersk. This was done by using renewable electricity or purchasing renewable energy certificates at its operations and by investing in electric vehicles in its car fleet. 

“We are very proud of the progress we have achieved on our sustainability journey in 2023, particularly regarding the reduction of greenhouse gases,” said Anne-Laure Descours, chief sourcing officer at PUMA.

“We will not stop there, however, and continue to execute our FOREVER.BETTER. Sustainability strategy and our 10FOR25 targets.”

With an 85 percent reduction of personal emissions and a 65 percent reduction of supply chain emissions relative to sales, PUMA achieved its first science-based greenhouse gas reduction target in 2023, seven years ahead of the target year 2030. 

PUMA’s new climate goals, which the Science Based Targets Initiative approved, aim to reduce PUMA’s emissions by what scientists say is necessary to keep global warming below 1.5 degrees. 

By 2030, PUMA commits to reducing absolute Scope 3 GHG emissions from its supply chain and logistics by 33 percent compared to 2017.

Besides increasing its climate ambitions, PUMA also made progress with its other 10FOR25 sustainability targets, reaching two out of ten targets ahead of schedule.

PUMA met its Plastics and the Oceans target by eliminating plastic carrier bags from its owned and operated stores and researching biodegradable plastic options. 

By PUMA reducing greenhouse emissions, the company has promised to make even more strides to minimise its carbon footprint, emphasising the importance of preserving the environment for future generations. 

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